Climate Change is Personal
Climate Change is Personal
Climate Change is Personal | Episode 2: Izzy Laderman
Today we’re here with the inventive Izzy Landerman, a 17-year-old disabled climate activist with Ehlers-Danlos (ay-lurs dan-los) syndrome. Izzy’s mom and grandmother also have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and Izzy has seen firsthand how hard it can be for people with disabilities to be taken seriously by medical professionals. Climate change is personal to Izzy because, as someone who often walks with a cane and is reliant on dependable access to medication, her disability makes her vulnerable to the extreme weather events that are increasing like blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires. Izzy takes action in her local community advocating for disabled people to be leaders rather than tokenized in the climate movement and making climate advocacy work accessible.